Monday, January 19, 2009

School CNY Celebration

hello i want to share with u kan at my work place got event la this.....ermm....special even la also i wearing striking colour this...huhuhu........just for today ba this...wakakkaka........huhuhu....this is the picture i take when ermm.....actually before class start this....huhuhu....ermm...... striking colour ba this....wakakakakak.......this is my class.......ermmm 5 Jupiter la niee.......most of the teacher kan cakap this class kan memang da EVIL this...but for me.....wakakaka.......mana ada....mcm besa ja this....wakakka....if i entering this class kan...semua diam2 this....wakakaka....haa.....this is my student la this......ermm.....galanggasss niee.....panjahat niee...huhuhuhu.....this only boys dulu niee......itu girls bulum lagi.......yeah....this also some of the girls form my beloved class.....ermm..all KOREAN this.......wakakka.....cant understand BAHASA this....susah woo this......
haaa...this is my class...huhuhuhu........ermm.....semua niee some of them like angel and some of them kan.....huuuuuu...mcm tuuu devil this...wakakakak...anyway kan i like my student ba....(huhuhu....betul ba pete??wakakakka) thats all la this...later i post lagi others ahh....hehehe....

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